Thanks for the reply. I did not watch those dramas you mentioned so you have a good point. Come to think of it, the US does have quite a few political, socio-economic critiquing dramas and movies: e.g., Dave (1993, politics - very good movie btw, one of my favorites), A Few Good Men (1992, military cover-up, etc.), etc. So I must admit that my statement that Hollywood not producing poignant social critiquing films is over-generalization. My "impression" came from the fact that a lot of Korean movies and dramas are based on real life stories of recent history. For instance, if you look at popular Korean films in 2022: , a majority of them seem to contain social criticism just from the titles and synopsis. Contrast that with popular Hollywood movie lists of 2022: Quite a few are sci-fi flicks. Yes, they can contain social messages too, but the way they express them seems less direct. So my argument that US producers are more likely to follow where the money and power is.